Old North Family

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Waters of Change

Just got back from Niagara Falls, New York. I spent the weekend with some amazing people and had a ton of fun. We took my kids with us and Carver absolutelly loved the waterfalls.. and bridges... and tunnels.. etc.

The purpose of the trip was to visit a church in Buffalo and see how they do ministry. It was amazing. It was very comforting to see they do ministry exactly how I do it... only they have about 5000 more people. What I really got out of the experience is that lack of firm vision leads nowhere... people who can't see where they are going just wait for the fog to lift. Once the fog gets lifted they llok to see if anything looks familiar, and if it does... they go in that direction. I don;t want to be one of those people... do you?

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Just watched the movie Benjamin Buttons after spending a long day hanging with my family riding Thomas the Train. It was a slow movie but it was very inspiring. The movie to me was about appreciating what you have in the here and now. Not looking to the past or future.

I agree...

Take time after you read this post to appreciate what God has given you...


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Christian or Follower?

What does it mean to be a Christian? I looked up the definition of the word "be" which can also be written as am, are, was, is, etc. The definition is as follows "To belong to a specified class or group." So, to be a Christian is to basically join a club... if a person says they are a Christian it is simply a statement of voluntary membership in THE club. Most people who call themselves Christians and say they are in the club never acheive for Christ. They simply meet the requirements to acheive a certain status and thats all they ever do. I worry greatly about those people. Their is no conviction there is no action oriented change. For many its the same crap, but different smell.

There have been quite a few times in my life that I have looked at various people and said to myslef, "If thats what a christian is... then I don't wanna be one." I'm not saying I don't wanna love and serve Christ, I just don't wanna be associated with those people. The word Christian is now a very negative word in our society. there have been many surveys done to non-christians who say that Jesus is nice and loving but Christians are mean and nasty.

I don't wanna be associated with mean and nasty. I wanna be a follower of Jesus. When I look up the word follower I find this definition:
1. a person or thing that follows.
2. a person who follows another in regard to his or her ideas or belief; disciple or adherent.
3. a person who imitates, copies, or takes as a model or ideal:

4. an attendant, servant, or retainer.

I wanna be a copier of Jesus. I don't wanna be in some club where I can brag to people that I am in in, I soley want to live and serve Christ. Many Christains believe that because they go to church on Sunday, have been baptized, and tithe that they are good Christians. Good club members yes, but good Christians.... good follower of Christ... maybe. To follow Christ means you give up your life and devote it to growing the kingdom of God. Its more than fulfilling requirements or paying dues. It is sacrifice.

I haven't seen much Christain sacrifice in my ten+ years of ministry, because sacrifice is hard. The definition of sacrifice I like is this: the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim. What have you sacrificed lately? Have you ever really sacrificed for Jesus?

I have seen a few people lately that I know sacrifice for Christ and it has been truly refreshing. One of my teens is giving up a sport to be able to devote more time for ministry. One couple I know is tithing more than they ever have before on faith that God will provide for the shortfall... and He is providing the difference. But unfortunatelly these are not the norm they are rare.

In college I saw people sacrifice for their faith. I saw people pray seven times a day at the same times each day. I saw people give up pork and fast for 40 days during football two-a-days, but none of these people where Christians. One was Jewish and two were Muslim. Why is it that religions who don't know the one true living Savior, have adherents who sacrifice and follow but Christianity is comprised on a majority of club members?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Carver Post #4

Questions and answers with Carver...

How did your pants get wet?

We were outside on the side and the rain not get us. Kiki, Kierstin was outside outside. I got wet on my butt.

Why do you like to go to the fish store?
Because I get fish.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Carver Post #3

Questions and answers with Carver...

What did we do in Pittsburgh yesterday?

We saw Thomas up on stage. We we we we we we saw two Thomas. I did get wet. We open the gates with the big waterfall went down. I threw pennies in the water and they went thwaoosh shoosh. Bonka Bonka Bonka Bonka. (He's getting weird :))

Why didn't you go play in the tree house?
It was spooky.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Carver Post #2

Questions and answers with Carver...

Who is your favorite dog and why?
Brody is my friend, he he's a dog. Doggy don't talk, those doggies bark. (He thinks some dogs talk and some don't thanks to movies.)

Where are you going tomorrow?
To see Thomas (the train) on stage. Thomas is my blue one friend, thomas likes to play.

What did you do last night?
We were at the church. We watched Liza play. We play Hide and Seek. Ummm... threw rocks inside.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Carver post #1

These Carver posts are my little two year olds thoughts that he wants to convey to the world.... they are very insightful.

The kids that come over to play with me are very nice. The girls are pretty and fun. I like choo-choo tracks. Daddy is my best buddy. Those numbers go down, down, up, up, up... ( I have no idea what that means). Jesus loves me for the bible tells me so. Uh huh. I want to go to the fish store to get some other fish, more fish, because because one died uh huh.

Questions and answer with Carver...

What happen to your fish when it dies?
Mommy gets it and the water gets in my eye and I go YUCK.

Where does it go when it dies?
In the toilet, and the fish goes down the house.

Marley and Me

There is nothing sadder than an animal dying in a movie. Last night we watched the movie, Marley and Me. It was a VERY good movie. You can watch a hundred movies with thousands of people dying in them, but if one cute little doggy dies and it will tear you up. Sorry if I spoiled the movie for you, but you should still watch it. I had flashbacks to a movie I watched as a young boy called OLD YELLER. Old yeller was such a sad movie back in the day and Marley and Me was sad at the end but strangely very uplifting as well. The movie was PG and my two year old loved it, he did wonder why the dog didn't talk like the dogs in his other favorite movies. Watch it soon, you'll enjoy it... but you might need tissues!